Spectator Safety First Aid Level 2 (VTQ)

61 videos, 3 hours and 4 minutes

Course Content

The stewards briefing and chain of command

Video 4 of 61
1 min 50 sec

Typically, with the briefings, the information would be passed to people, if not on a briefing sheet itself, but the supervisors would pick up a briefing sheet from the safety officer ahead of that briefing, and then they would brief using that sheet. Some clubs will issue a briefing sheet at every game. Some information would be given on the briefing and that might be different from the previous match or the future match. So it's important that the stewards listen to the briefing and make sure they've got the information that they need. The supervisor who's delivered the briefing is always moving around among the stewards throughout the event.

So if a steward is unsure of what was said at the briefing, they just ask further questions. And in the training sessions that we give, we always talk to stewards about the method that the briefing will be delivered in, and increasingly, lots of people use what is an old police session of IIMarch. So information, intention, method, administration, risk assessment, communication, health and safety and human rights. So that method of delivering the information at the briefing is very thorough, and it's absorbed by lots of people throughout the industry. It's quite a formal chain of command among stewards. If we were to say the stewards were at the bottom of that chain of command, it moves up to supervisor, probably deputy chief steward, chief steward, deputy safety officer, safety officer, and information goes up, and instruction comes back down. Stewards would always be waiting for instruction from a layer above them.